Jan. 9, 2016, FSAA General Meeting

Members of the Ford Scholar Alumni Association Board of Directors hosted a general board meeting on Jan. 9 in downtown Portland. A total of 23 alumni attended in person throughout the day, and at least four called in.


Keeping Connected!

Learn more about the Ford Scholar Alumni Association online by visiting www. FordScholarAlumni.com or by e-mailing communications@fordscholaralumni.com.


A Note from the President

By Kirsten Yamada FSAA President It is a great honor to have recently accepted the Ford Scholar Alumni Association President role to take the place of previous President, Mary Chuinard, who stepped down in January due to a new job opportunity and personal reasons. This will be my second year on the Board, where I […]


Gerald E. Bruce Award Nominees

The Ford Family Foundation recognizes the following Ford Scholar Alumni who were nominated for the 2016 Gerald E. Bruce Community Service Award.
